A sumptuous design that is instantly recognizable as the work of William Morris designs; it reproduces an original tapestry piece of his created in the 19th century called Strawberry Thief also known as William Morris birds. It depicts a story of why the juicy ripen strawberries are always disappearing in the garden. The witty eyes of birds tell all.
Compact and eco-friendly, this piece opens up to provide ample space for your shopping trips and folds away for easy storage in your handbag.
- Fastened with a frontal clip button closure.
- Opens up to provide ample room for shopping goods.
- Folds away for compact storage.
- Fitted with a full-length zip fastener.
- A pair of sturdy faux leather handles for carriage.
- Made from Signare tapestry woven fabric.
Size (Folded): W 21 x H 12 x D 1.5 cm
Size (Open): W 38 x H 35.5 x D 9 cm | Handle Drop Length: 10cm